Wednesday, December 19, 2012

All that a heart has to hold
                so many questions unanswered
                so many cycles and seasons
                 each with its stories untold

All that a heart has to hold
                all that its border encloses
                deep in its chambers protect
                our names and our colors and countries

The endless procession,
                the births and the dying
                 the loving and knowing,    
                 and all the letting go . . .

How do I hold all that a heart is meant to hold?

Hold me now, O Love,
                gentle in the knowing
You are not alone
                 in the holding of your heart

And so we find
                that it’s not too much to hold
                not too much to see
In every gift of loving part of our story is told

It’s not too much to bear
                though the weight is often heavy
We are held within this longing by deep Love that holds us all…

Sing your heart’s desire,
                sigh your sorrows deep
Tell your own true stories each day…

Pray a deeper prayer,
                bring all that lies deep within your eyes
                all your praises and your longing
                and restore your untamed heart in this deep unending Love…

by Craig Hella Johnson

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